
Kitsuné Maison 7

I can say a lot about Kitsuné -- but what I really admire is their great marketing capacity! They can sell anything under the brand. Not to say that they were able to really create a total look and a lifestyle aspirational. Kitsuné smells like Paris (and I mean this in the positive way).

This Kitsuné Maison 7 compilation for sure will present an excellent choice of music - a fresh and passionate combination full of discoveries and new talents -. You can get KISUNE MAISON 7 from the 1st of June 2009.
On the video you can take a look on their 09 collection: The Graduate


Siempre oi hablar de ella en la oficina y sabía que era asidua visitante de Barcelona, así que no deje pasar la oportunidad de presentarme, entre música y un par de mojitos conoci esta chica con un buen rollo que solo se compara con su gran talento. Ingrid Bartesch-Schel pertenece al grupo de diseñadores de accesorios en el Vertical Product Team, desde las oficinas de PUMA Premier en Londres contesta:

-In your experience working for the company, do you consider PUMA as a brand that follow up trends?
Puma is trying to integrate new trends in their designs wherever it is possible. I guess it´s really essential in order to design new, fresh and interesting products. The customer is going with the time and trends - therefore our company need to do so. We do not have a specific trend department, so each designer is responsible for market research. Every designer has his own style to come up with new ideas.

- You are German, but you live in London. Has this opportunity of traveling all over made you more sensible to catch how people use PUMA accessories and cloth?
Definitely yes!. Its important for a designer to travel and to see different cultures, nationalities... it makes you more creative in your designs.

- Could you tell us any upcoming trend in the industry?, is there any interesting project we should know about?
Regarding projects I guess I can´t say to much! but as you may have heard Hussein Chalayan is now the Creative Director so I hope that we also can go more in the upcoming future with Puma into the fashion direction. Regarding Trends for the bag industry...functionality is a big point, graphics are always important, shapes and materials of course that represent the recent trend. Puma always has its sporty lines, so sometimes shape wise it is hard to invent the wheel but we try to include the graphic trend and materials but always considering costs.

- What are your main inspiration sources to developed your work?
I get my ideas from fashion, fashion brands, fairs, arts, graphics, interior design, architecture or wherever, even just by watching people, movies, etc.

- Your personal recommendations?
My most visited website is Google. But also WGSN. Guess there´s no surprise but there are some examples of sites I visit:

Fashion Bomb Daily

Nota: Los departamentos de diseño de cada area (accesorios, garments, footwear, etc) están en distintas ciudades y con equipo de diseñadores distintos, lo cual hace que los artículos entre si mantengan cierta homogeneidad pero con un toque muy particular.



After all the mess going on my country I just kind of feel nostalgic and sad. But no matter how bad it looks from outside I keep many images that remind me how awesome Mexique is. I just wanted to post some pics my friend Grace have from her new home in Riviera Maya where she spends her days scuba diving in underwater caves and breathtaking beaches surrounded by warm and lovely people and confirms what she always says "I live in a paradise that smells like tropical coconut"

And yeah, nasty things are going on as well. Check the article "Mexico Drug War" & "Flu Pandemic" in the Boston Globe.


Draw with Light

No obvious link with my blog title - Pero tengo un fetiche por la luz y todo lo vinculado a ello. No es nuevo los efectos fotográficos hechos con una amplia exposición lumínica, pero es evidente las pruebas de que todos tenemos acceso a este "jugueteo". Hace poco encontré a John Thomas un chico de Long Island que realiza varios photomotions y entre ellos esta este super fun video para el 4 de Julio con Fireworks, ain´t fun?:

Este mismo efecto hecho con luz no deja de ser igualmente divertido. Ambos videos musicales son produciones de los francés Jean Demery y Bastien Lattanzio:

En el blog BOOOOOOOM (thats 7 "O"), realizaron dentro de su sección "projects" un posting de varios fans del sitio para mostrar sus habilidades dibujando con luz -- algunos bastante buenos hechos con flashlights o cualquier otro aparato de luz portátil, inclusive mobile phones.

Creative People

Thumbs up for Ely Kim! - He describes himself: "I am a graduate student at Yale studying graphic design. I LOVE to dance and I enjoy clouds, mangoes, smiling, and puppies " - it actually made me laugh.

I think this guy really had a good idea to promote his style (viral marketing perhaps? or just to much free time) - 100 days with 100 songs - (his selection on style, music and locations is quite interesting). No doubts this chubby guy is creative.


Bush and Blair playing soccer!

Y es que la verdad la política no me va del todo bien y cuando encuentro estas cosillas que tan artísticamente expresan mi visión, pues me pongo feliz!. Politics is such an inspiration 0_o

Pacemaker + Zune

- Its all about what gadget you have -. Si, me declaro enemigo del Ipod y no es por que no sea un buen & cool gadget, es porque simplemente todo mundo lo tiene y con eso ya me perdieron los señores de Apple (well, i might buy the Iphone, but that's different right?).

ZUNE es la apuesta de Microsoft para MP3 con disco duro. Básicamente tiene todo lo que tiene un Ipod (al though they haven't got any touch screen upgrades yet). Lo que si que puedo destacar es su genial vinculo con el arte gráfico y visual. Una herramienta que ha hecho una gran diferencia es su página ZUNE ART: "Un lugar donde los artistas emergentes colaboran en obras de artes inspiradoras; donde se celebra la amistad, el compartir, conectar y descubrir ; un lugar que crece continuamente, evolucionando y siempre abierto a nuevas voces, influencias e ideas". Donde siempre encuentro "pequeñas joyas" que deleitan mi ocio.

Otra de las características que descatan es la posibilidad de detectar otros ZUNE y compartir música fácilmente. Pero finalmente y comparto la opinión de un columnista del NewYork Times el factor mas importante: "The most salient feature of the Zune seems to be that it's not an iPod" . En EUA ya es el 2do MP3 player más vendido después del Ipod (9% vs 63%) y en Europa llegara este otoño, keep an eye on it.

Ya que escribo sobre gadgets no puedo dejar pasar por alto el nuevo PACEMAKER, un dispositivo de bolsillo que te permite hacer mezclas con tu propia música! Its just awesome. I want to be a Dj guys -- now u know what i want this xmas.


Hace ya mas de 5 años conocí a este talentoso ilustrador en Singapur y desde entonces he sido fan de su estilo. Ha plasmado ya varias campañas comerciales y ha participado en distintos eventos artísticos con su particular forma de ver la vida: irónico, cómico y lleno de color. Un poco estresado mientras trabaja en un nuevo projecto en Malasia, mi buen amigo Shaun tuvo la amabilidad de contestar rápidamente unas preguntas. Además es el privilegiado de inaugurar la sección "my cool hunting interviews" - yeah lame title, but still interesting-.

-What are your inspiration source to create art?
Hmm mostly when i see works by other artists, especially artist that i admire!

-Do you follow any blog frequently, which are your top 3 blogs ?
Boing Boing
The Coolhunter
Moco Loco

-What´s your favorite element & main complain against blogs?
I think blogs give people the opportunity to express themselves, which is great - I don't really have any complains, because I blog too!

-Whats other art expression you will feel more linked too besides illustration?
hmm definitely music! i like sculptures, and new media art.


post humor


The Golden Filter

Éstos neoyorkinos van a dar de que hablar, parece que están utilizando la misma formula misteriosa que Empire of the Sun, dejaron salir un teaser al principio y los primeros tracks que se han filtrado a la blogosfera del ED Solid Gold son increibles, mystic disco for beautifull evenings, son típicas canciones que se conviertiran en inprescindibles!

The Golden Filter son indie people convertidos en hype. Si, con todo y las plumas, las ilustaciones bellas, los atuendos renascentistas, las lomografías y el anonimato aparente.

Nota: Check out this other videos from Empire of the Sun & MGMT, post apocalyptic worlds full of symbolism, fantastic creatures and a lot of makeup